Oh, Happy Day! OHHHHH, Happy Day! I had two VERY special visitors today in the kitchen and restaurant. Drum roll please…. Veronica and Amy! I felt like a little girl waiting for Santa Claus to come strolling into town on Christmas Eve. That’s how excited I was. However, in fear of getting in trouble, which happens to me sometimes by just merely opening my mouth, I decided to stay focused until my visitors came in at 1:45.
We had to come up with the sandwich of the day because it was my job today. Chef received some prosciutto in, so we decided to make a fried prosciutto sandwich with fresh mozzarella, tomato fondue, basil, and balsamic glaze on a delicious slice of chunky bread. I also made potato chips by hand on the mandolin slicer and then rubbed them with a spice blend to give them a kick. They weren’t really kickin’, but they had a nice kick to them, if you know what I mean.

Everyone in the kitchen makes fun of me for always taking pictures, but they’ll be the ones laughing when they have none to document their experience. (Mom and Stephen- I don’t want to remind you of our day in Turkey!). When Amy and Veronica came we obviously wanted to take a photo and I was just laughing imagining everyone else laughing and rolling their eyes hahah. Once Amy and Veronica came, I took them for a tour around the kitchen! They met all my culinary peeps and got the chance to see me in action. I brought them out my sandwich of the day- compliments of the chef! What a fabulous experience having them dine in the restaurant! They could be lying, but they said the food was scrumptious! I mean look at my sandwich of the day… doesn’t it look fierce. It would for sure take home first place on America’s next top model, if I may say so myself! SEXY… with a capital S… (stttshh—putting out a fire noise).

One of the boys in the kitchen asked me when he was going out with me and my friends! Oh la la—looks like someone has a crush or maybe it’s just cause they are used to seeing girls dressed like fat Amish women all day in their chef uniform! I kid, I kid.
Happy Thursday!